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Lukawh wrote:
I am not sure we understood each other, Iryan. Since I play DS 1, I don't need Legendary mod, no?
I was only suggesting that when I instaled Legendary mod via instaler, it could somehow touch already instaled RtA and Yesterhaven and thus it prevented me from playing DS 1 multiplayer. But I really am not skilled with this stuff, I only fiddle with simple GAS files :P

Yes if you're playing DS1 then installing the Legendary Mod is pointless and wouldn't work unless you have DS2 installed. It's primary purpose is to allow playing the old maps in a more modern engine.

The Legendary Mod installer only copies files from the existing DS1 folders and makes no changes to the existing files. It also doesn't even copy any files from Return to Arhok and Yesterhaven, as they are publically available addons there is no need. The maps and resources are included in the Legendary Mod as a convenience for those who have never played them.