Kathy it appears that the half-giants are no where between Merin and Hiroth Castle. They are not anywhere in the endless dessert. I do not think sand makes a good Desert but then I am not a game designer. They are not in the pyramids. I wonder if they are hiding with the Asparagus people on that island in the desert? Maybe they are in the great northern forest visiting the elf with the Hiroth Stone? I am getting loster and loster the farther I go. I thought I knew this map, but I guess not. Maybe age has something to do with my forgetfulness, since I have been playing this map for more years than I can count.
Kathy it appears that the half-giants are no where between Merin and Hiroth Castle. They are not anywhere in the endless dessert. I do not think sand makes a good Desert but then I am not a game designer. They are not in the pyramids. I wonder if they are hiding with the Asparagus people on that island in the desert? Maybe they are in the great northern forest visiting the elf with the Hiroth Stone? I am getting loster and loster the farther I go. I thought I knew this map, but I guess not. Maybe age has something to do with my forgetfulness, since I have been playing this map for more years than I can count.