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Hi friends, I'm a new steam user who got both DS1 and 2 using it. I've played through DS2 a few times in the past, and saw your mod that circumvents the DS1 compatibility issues.

I originally tried the registry fixes only and, like the rest, was unable to use the all*saves mod. This led to the oddities I'm sure, including the inability to hire on any new NPCs. I'm going to run through the first section of the game again to verify that replacing the exe with the one provided works on my computer.

It did take me 2-3 hours of research to find this thread, since I was looking in the main thread. Could this thread or at least an acknowledgement of the issue be posted in the install instructions?

Btw, incredible work. I mostly haunt the Freespace 2 modding scene, but I'm definitely impressed with what's going on over here.