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See I can do it to. This is a screen shot from DSLoA Where I have both Elys_DS_Succubus_v107.dsres and adepts.dsres enabled, they both add new characters to the character creation part of the game. Now I can do this with Dungeon Siege 1 , Dungeon Siege 1 Legends of Aranna, Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World. Any two mods that change the characters from standard farm girl and farm boy to something else or put in characters in addition to the standard characters will do this.
This would for sure be true if you where playing Broken World Adepts, and you where using Elys' Succubus Manager to start the game without first disabling the Succubus Modlet. I have had this happen to me more times than I have had armor created for one race or character type making another character type or race appear as invisible in all or part of their body. Remember the fun we had figuring out how to make a DS1 Cat Mansion Boy wear DS1 Cat Mansion Girl Armor Correctly? This is kind of the same thing has to do with Meshes and other esoteric character things. Sounds like I know what I am talking about does it not. Well it is all just smoke and mirrors, I never really know what I am talking about.

Elf friend of the lady with the killer bunny slippers