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A new RPG?

My life as an RPG we would call it Nurse Elf and the Antique Humans.
Armor -- Running shoes, Latex Gloves, Tee shirt and jeans.
Weapons -- baby wipes, medication, quick wit, rescue remedy (look it up great for both animals and humans that are easily freaked out).

Quest 1 Getting the old folks out of bed in the morning.
This is a multi part quest that takes between 10 minutes and one hour.

Quest 2 Feeding them breakfast before the Price is Right is over.

Quest 3 Making sure that they do not forget to take their medication on time. This can be difficult when one forgets to take their meds, but knows beyond all reason that he has taken them already and I am mistaken. The other is convinced I am giving them the wrong pills at the wrong time. This person could have been a slight of hand artist in her youth, as she will often look as if she is taking the pill, but palms it and tries to hide in in her bra. This quest starts at 6:20 AM and goes on until 7 PM daily so it is a recurring quest.

A quest that happened only twice thank God. Female Antique had a skin cancer that was not one that metastasized called a basil cell. A very minor type of skin problem but she was telling everyone she had cancer and was going to die. After removing the problem at the local hospital dermatology center, it was left up to me to remove the stitches two weeks later. Wish I could have done it while she slept, as she kept pulling her leg away telling me if I took the stitches out she would explode. Any exploding Antique Human, would automatically cause you to loose the game.

I would write more but just thinking about it makes my head hurt. Things go on like this every day, Oh I do so look forward to tomorrow, not. Oh maybe I will die in my sleep and this cruel dream I live in will expire. One can hope Smile

