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NoESCape wrote:
surely not gmail? i consider gmail my permanent email as it follows me no matter what internt i have to pay for. I sure alot of other do the same for others.

now if your talking about internet terrorists flooding your app with thousands of registrations then i suggest looking at the ips and you can prune them quickly.

i know these games are old as dirt but they are good games and i will run a server anytime

There are several web sites that provide email addresses that last between 10 and 30 minutes then they go away. Gives a person just enough time to become a member of a site or send one or two emails that are technically anonymous. The person can not be tracked or replied to.
On the other hand companies that provide free or paid long term accounts like Gmail, yahoo, hushmail, etc are just fine.

Besides you have nothing to worry about since you also have a real website.
