That may be true, but I am an anime/manga character myself. I normally for ds2 create the Cat Mansion Character armor/outfits first because the work is much easier, then once I have the styles worked out I translate the armor for ds2 farm girl and farm boy. Why you may ask, because the cat mansion characters use the alpha channel of the image differently than the standard DS2 characters. Therefore it requires for any exposed skin a repainting of the skin color. What I am saying is that for example is the waiter outfit requires only one image for a cat mansion character renamed 9 times _01 to _33, whereas the regular characters need an image repainted for the exposed skin colors and there are 15 different colors and patterns even if I use the DS2 Type 6 model.
That may be true, but I am an anime/manga character myself. I normally for ds2 create the Cat Mansion Character armor/outfits first because the work is much easier, then once I have the styles worked out I translate the armor for ds2 farm girl and farm boy. Why you may ask, because the cat mansion characters use the alpha channel of the image differently than the standard DS2 characters. Therefore it requires for any exposed skin a repainting of the skin color. What I am saying is that for example is the waiter outfit requires only one image for a cat mansion character renamed 9 times _01 to _33, whereas the regular characters need an image repainted for the exposed skin colors and there are 15 different colors and patterns even if I use the DS2 Type 6 model.