I started work on a purple moth pet called Mothra (Godzilla reference) got a dds file made and the templates, loaded the petshop, petshop must have a limit on number of pages of pets it can show, as it went back to one page, and then when I clicked on the moth pet it crashed, so back to drawing board on that
I wanted a drake too, I was gonna call mine Puff the Magic Dragon..the dragon in ds2 is kinda to small lol
as for the Bee... imagine if u have like a honey bee, u could crop it with image editor and past over the Phrak/soul stinger art...or using paint shop pro use the cloner brush technique, or even floodfill with yellow certain areas...anyways that quite a good idea for a pet.
Here's my attempt at an Emperor Moth. Still needs a little touch-up.
How many pets did you have loaded? I've used your Pets Reloaded Mod which required multiple pages without any crashes? There's also the Vasp pet in the Legendary Mod as well as in the past, a chicken and dog pet, which never caused any problems.
I probably could make a good enough bee now as my techniques have improved since my first attempts.
Here's my attempt at an Emperor Moth. Still needs a little touch-up.
How many pets did you have loaded? I've used your Pets Reloaded Mod which required multiple pages without any crashes? There's also the Vasp pet in the Legendary Mod as well as in the past, a chicken and dog pet, which never caused any problems.
I probably could make a good enough bee now as my techniques have improved since my first attempts.