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Hate to resurrect a dead thread but I got back to tinkering with DS and after beating single player for the umpteenth time I resumed my quest to find the unattainable leg cleaver.

Now I had read on dungeon siege wikia that the chest in Xot's Badlands which drops Demlock's Amulet in single player has especially high drop value. Per that site it has the highest drop rate in the game. I had always assumed the highest drop rate was in the Pit of Despair chest but I was gladly proven wrong.

I loaded up my char from years ago and did an hour worth of running this chest and the results were ridiculous: I was getting multiple rate staves and gloves with the highest rare modifiers, usually Admired or Sacred (+98 and +95 respectively). Admired gloves and armors as well as sacred destroyers were dropping with regularity. Interestingly very few uniques dropped at this place, and the magicals were useless. I knew I was going to find my item eventually, and voila, Admired Leg Cleaver, 246-738 damage.

Is there any way to identify what this chest is and it's pcontent description? And compare it to the Pit of Despair? I had found a lower level Leg Cleaver there as well as some Sacred and Admired items but not with the same frequently and never hit the jackpot. I'm hoping to see if I can deduce why it dropped what it did. An of course keep running it for more ridiculous loot Cool