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HardLess wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm currently working in the backpack idea, and I'm having trouble as expect :).My main issue is to make a link between a Gridbox to an Inventory. I have created a quick ui support for the backpack with a gridbox. Then I have added the backpack from Dungeon Siege 1, and created a new component for it. I'm trying to recreate the link which is hard-coded between the backpack's inventory and the UI's Gridbox.

I post with this my res, all the code has been written for tests purpose. For the moment the backpack can be used but of course only during a single game session but there are some buggy things with the gridbox which doesn't update itself proprely.

If anyone have the courage to look at it and to try something I'll be glad. I hope I'm missing something big but I'm pretty sure that we will have to create something a bit barbarous to make it work a bit like it was in the original game. Please be careful with this res, it's in prealpha and I really recommand any user "do not save your character". The backpack can be bought at the armorer in Kalrathia only.

Thanks in advance, I'm a bit out of ideas tonight Smile


Here is the link :

Hi Hardless,
I downloaded the BackPack Mod and noticed a few things.
I could find the backpack in Kalrathia playing a standard game of DS2 and discovered several things of interest.
1. When the inventory is open the character with the backpack can do nothing else until the inventory screen is closed. In a regular game without the backpack mod a character can move about, attack and other normal things with inventory screen open.
2. When you put something in the backpack, I used a helm, then remove it to put it on the character a shadow copy remains in the backpack, which you can put in regular inventory, in essence getting a second copy, now because of what I noted in comment 1 you can not pass that item to another character or sell it.
3. I see that there is no button yet to close the backpack, I think if that where implemented the problems with comments 1 and 2 would go away.
4. Since I was using a throw away character (broken world premade) I did a save just to see if the backpack would return and you are correct, you do loose the backpack and whatever was in its inventory, plus if you did what I did in comment 2 you also loose the equipped item, in this case a helm.
5. It does not work in Adepts, but I would expect that, because Adepts has a much higher priority than the backpack mod. Once the bugs with the backpack are worked out, I will just add it to Adepts, so no worry about doing a special mod for adepts.
6. OF SPECIAL NOTE - If the player drops the backpack and moves a distance away from the backpack (in Kalrathia from the Armorer to the Magic Vendor) the character still has the backpack screen displayed in their inventory even when the backpack does not show in their main inventory screen.

Now in DS1 the backpacks where sold by the magic vendor and not the armor salesperson. I would think just to maintain continuity I would have the magic vendors sell the backpack, but that is just my thought.
You know that even if you can not make the mod work you could always do an armor ornament like the quiver, and have a backpack that characters could wear. Not sure if it could be added to this mod so that when someone purchased a backpack they would be wearing it.

I will have to look at your mod now and see if I can spot anything obvious, I most likely will see nothing since I mostly work with armor and not things like this.


I looked for missing punctuation and could not find any missing or to many { } ; etc. and could find nothing out of place. I am just wondering if some of the issues might be related to one of the following.
1. The item does not fit any of the Pcontent categories. Might it need a special lookup table like the ones for armor and weapons imported from DS1?
2. could there be some additional that is required. This mod is similar to your Ancient Gifts Mod, which is adding screens in a similar fashion.

I never had to add or modify any of these things when I create a weapon or armor so I am just guessing.

Hope my comments are of some use.