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_ Inventory mod (a button or a shop where you can enlarge your inventory)
Personally I always thought the inventory system was overly large in DS2 with the stash and such. Part of the enjoyment of the game for me is selecting the proper equipment for a character whatever their skill and keeping that until something better is found. I rarely use the character inventory for more than health and mana potions and necessary quest items. Once a quest item like the heirloom sword and the Hak'u Dagger has served its purpose I dump it or sell it. If I find a really good weapon or armor I will take it to the stash if it is still to powerful for my party to use.
There is already a mod called Uberstash by Omicrom Which allows the stash to hold 255 items.

_Racial skill mod (a little skill tree by race)
Again I think the minimal skill differences between the races given at the start of the game are enough. I like to be able to make whatever race whatever I want and not be limited for example by a skill a specific race can not acquire.

_ Weapon's rune mod (a bit like enchanting but you can get rid of the rune to put it on another weapon)
A weapon rune mod (enchantments that can be moved from weapon to weapon might be very useful) Maybe you can add a dis-enchanter to the game like the people who can remove a specific skill Take the weapon or Armor to the local Dis-enchanter and tell them please remove the runes from this weapon so I can use it elsewhere. I would think the dis-enchantment should cost more than the enchantment as it would for sure require more powerful magic.

_ Better effects mod (just an idea to create more realistic effects)
Better effects for weapons and spells would always be nice

_ HD textures (enhancing the textures of the game to add some realism)
Enhancing the textures of the game would be nice. However the amount of work required to create the textures might take longer than anyone would be willing to expend. I enhanced some of the armor textures by making them larger and that caused several things that did not look right. So I started from scratch and totally redrew the armor using all the skill I have. It took about a week to redo the textures just for the female characters. The improvement in the game was not really worth the effort so I never did the male versions.

_ Terrain rework (like adding grass on the terrain to a better look)
A terrain rework, good luck with that not only would it take a great amount of time most likely longer than the game has been on the market. It would also massively increase the size of the game. At least double if not triple the current size.

_ Backpack mod (like it was in DS1:LOA)
Great Idea if you can make it work.

_ Enchanted spellbooks (like it was in DS1:LOA)
Sure why not I liked those

_ Total shop rework (making much more harder to find anything (spells, armor weapons) like in DS1:LOA)
You could but I never really saw much diference between the 4 versions of the game. Maybe because I am hunting some of my own weapons and armor Smile

_ New race (skeleton, gargoyle [import it from DS1:LOA ??])
There are several races that where from DSLoA that where recreated for DS2. iryan made the utraeans playable others are there and should be able to be made playable also.

_ Piercing damage, move speed, range modifiers
There exists PartyRunSpeed by Volkan
Piercing damage and range mods are also out there but not on this site.
