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My absolute favorite thing to do is a combination of the powers of four different hero's, all at once. Sometimes five, depending on if I've got Vix in my party or not. And when I finally got Ressa, it became a tad bit MORE devastating, although granted I did have a more confined area to pull it off in.

First; Ressa uses Rune of Sacrifice (I think? It's the one that makes your powers stronger but recharge slower when in the big circle that spawns)

Second; Taar or Deru use Gravity stone. Usually Deru.

Third; Now that they're all clustered up, it's time to destroy stuff. Raymus uses Waves of Force in a position that will hit all of them, and Taar's summons will explode. (I forget what that power is called too..) If I have Eva in the party, add another Waves of Force to that. If I have Vix, use the power what throws his weapon into the crowd and then it hits a bunch of others or something.

Fourth; Take a shower to wash off the blood n' chunks of bodies.

I don't know why, but every time I eliminate a truly massive entourage of critters this way, I feel all giddy and accomplished. xD