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But it's not the only option... In fact, Corrosive Eruption is just infinitely more useful than another wave of force, and when you only have one (part) combat mage...

I use it on my Deru (Blood Assassin), Lothar uses the gravity stone, PC uses the waves of force, leaving Taar free to pop invulnerability, summon provoke, or (when I'll have it) aether blast, but most of the time, her power is left untapped. This can kill any miniboss with a sufficient number of minions around it.

With my mage party, it's sometimes shortened to Gravity Stone->Drown->Corrosive->2xStatic+2xFrostBeam. As soon as the first monster dies, it becomes a chain reaction as the Drown-boosted corrosive eruption usually kills at least one other mob, and the rest are guaranteed to die from that. (for extra evil points, it was done against Vai'kesh)