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One name this image can be refound on the web is 'Trespassers.jpg', it was part of the '' from 2004(!) and possibly content of other (web) promotions too.

It's an interesting image indeed because neither terrain node nor sword appear in the final release of DS2.
Probably the image should show some kind of teleporter or dislocator hub. Amazingly the effect used (these purple needles, the steam in the middle) doesn't fit to the look/shape of that node at all, but it seem to be identical with the effect as finally used in-game on column-like teleporter stations.

The location of the image really reminds the Vai'kesh Forest or Arinth's Ravine, also the (dead) Naldrun would be appropriate for that region, but in the final game there are no (more) Vulk monsters there.