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What game is this?

I'm trying to figure out the name of this old RTS I saw gameplay of, in hopes of getting a copy and playing it.
The only feature I remember was an incredibly unique one (Haven't seen any other RTS do it) in that your individual units would get dynamic upgrades to their stats and even a visual change to reflect this. So say you have this soldier that survived a bunch of battles, well he'd be fully decked out in gold armor by that point. (I believe it was always gold armor).

I can't for the life of me figure out what it was called though. I want to say it was a game released around the same time as Age of Empires 1 or 2. I also want to say that it was a similar theme. That is, medieval or medieval fantasy. It might have been futuristic, but.. I dunno.
I have also pretty much ruled out Warcraft.

Any ideas?
