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Just in this life, the people I have been interested in (whether romantic or platonic) have had quite a few similarities; Love and talent in art, and love and talent for music. Everyone once in awhile I meet one who has, so I'm told, lived multiple lives. One was a Wiccan with the ability to speak to animals, see the dead and other souls. Another is an immortal soul who is cursed to forever walk this Earth. Another one has their soul stuck in a labyrinth, and yet another who was bitten by a vampire and can see souls.

Personally, I've been told a few things; My soul takes on a humanoid form that appears to be pitch black and that I have strong aura, or spirit. I once had a dream that felt more real than others; there was a small girl in our laundry room with a smaller being, who, unfortunately, I do not remember the appearance of. Anyhow, we hugged briefly so as to greet each other, and she proceeded to explain I'm a rare mix; a Human, Angel and Demon. I later asked one of my friends, and they told me I am three fourths Satyr and Angel. I have also been told this is my first life, but I am not exactly a child; I've been here four two thousand years prior, though as to where I was is a mystery.

I am unsure of what is true, but all of this is certainly exciting to me, whether it be a falsehood or the mere truth. I am certain that I am born onto this world for a reason that I will one day fulfill, and that my aura/spirit is a strong one.

No matter where you came from, what you are, or how old you are, what you are is what you make yourself out to be. A lot of it will be based off your nature; your likes and reactions to any given situation. Most say a name makes you unique, but this isn't entirely true, not with most Humans anyway. Most have the same names or similar names that mean the same thing, but ultimately what determines who you are is yourself. Don't observe yourself, but feel yourself.