I would like to make quite a lot of changes to the game in order to give more depth to the game in a way DS2 failed. In fact, speaking with Mantella, we agreed that DS2 is pretty strange due to the fact they wanted to add skill tree to a tactical (turn-basedish) RPG (DS1). So I prefer the skill oriented RPGs than tactical RPGs, so in order to increase the depth of this part of the game I wish to "remove" the companions. By removing I mean removing a lot of features, like it would look more like companions than second primary character. So companion would follow you, you could manage them a bit. But the skills are the primary character's ones not shared with the others. Like a Diablo-like games. Making DS2 much more action based with a lot of dynamic combat.
Following this idea, I would like to rebalance the whole game to make it harsher but would be do-able with a single character. Removing the "powers" (too overpowered) and replacing them by active skills, quick skills than can be casted really fast. The companions won't have such skills.
The main issue with this idea is the limits of the game. If with brkopac we are able to extend the game's functions. This is clearly what I want to make. And IF we achieve it, the mod will be a DS2 mod for the moment but not a BW mod. In fact, I'm thinking of transfer BW into DS2 which work much better.
I believe GPG were toying with the same idea during the development phase of the game as described in a recent post of mine about the hire_shop. Since at least some of this mechanism is already in the game, perhaps it could be done.
Removing the companions would be simple to do and if the player could hire specific npcs to fill a weakness in their playstyle, it would increase the possibilities available to them. The npcs would in fact be more like the pets but not actually in the party. Something more useful than summons but not quite party members. In fact that could be an alternative way of getting around the problem if the hire_shop couldn't be re-implemented. Remove party members but clone pet sellers to have an inventory of "pets" that simply used the meshes and textures of humans, half-giants, dwarves, elves, dryads, etc.
That way you would still have control over the human pet but only as much control as granted by you. Am illusion but could be made realistic with some work.
I believe GPG were toying with the same idea during the development phase of the game as described in a recent post of mine about the hire_shop. Since at least some of this mechanism is already in the game, perhaps it could be done.
Removing the companions would be simple to do and if the player could hire specific npcs to fill a weakness in their playstyle, it would increase the possibilities available to them. The npcs would in fact be more like the pets but not actually in the party. Something more useful than summons but not quite party members. In fact that could be an alternative way of getting around the problem if the hire_shop couldn't be re-implemented. Remove party members but clone pet sellers to have an inventory of "pets" that simply used the meshes and textures of humans, half-giants, dwarves, elves, dryads, etc.
That way you would still have control over the human pet but only as much control as granted by you. Am illusion but could be made realistic with some work.