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bare_elf wrote:
iryan wrote:

The ugliness of the ui interface does hint at an early alpha build where GPG toyed with the idea of using mercenaries before dumping it but as you said its strange they left the actual code there.

Iryan there are a good deal of things that GPG left in DS2 that where tried and never used. There is the tutorial start that you used in Adepts that was there and never used. There are many things from DS1 that are in the folders and never used. I think the reason the code was left in and not cleaned up is that GPG got behind in the development and the release date had already been published. They where under the gun and did not have time to clean up the unused code. Thankfully that was the case as it does make modding things a little easier. Not easy but easier.


Quite true, perhaps they left it there in case modders wanted to play around with it.

Here's the test map of the hire shop in action and relevant code supporting it.

Further testing reveals that if you save a game with the mercenary and reload it, the mercenary is still there. In fact the inventory now works and for all purposes, it's now a party member. Powers and everything will work.

So for Hardless to realise his ambition of using mercenaries instead of party members, some tweaking of the mercenary's templates is required. It's not surprising that the mercenary will act like a party member once saved as it's using the hero templates as a base.

First step would be maybe make the mercenary like Drevin in that it can't be saved with your game by using can_save_member = false; in the actor block. By cloning the hero template but omitting the inventory block should remove the inventory.

I'm not sure how to remove the powers and skill tree but maybe trying to make the mercenary more like a pet with a specification may work.