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A very interesting development here. It's fun to see a GUI never met so far. Smile

By the way, there are also some specific skrit functions in the fubi.log:

Class: GoHire [RPC]

    void RCCreateCharacter( const string&, const CharacterStats&, const Goid*, int ) [COMPLEX] [RPC]
    void RCGenerateHires( unsigned int ) [RPC]
    void RCSetCharacterStats( const string&, const string&, const CharacterStats&, unsigned int ) [COMPLEX] [RPC]
    void RSCompletePurchase( const Goid*, const Goid* ) [RPC]
    void RSCreateCharacter( const string&, const string&, const CharacterStats&, int ) [COMPLEX] [RPC]
    void RSGenerateHires( const Goid* ) [RPC]
But these functions were never used in-game (and I never tried them out myself), so details about the arguments are unknown to me.