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HardLess's picture

We don't really need to have this asp format spread around the web, in fact if this export/import scripts were working right (If I'm not doing this wrong), we could put any nice models you could find. If I was sure that everything would work but it takes me 10 minutes to import a premade model, I would do it. But here I'm just stuck because I don't even know where to go. It is just frustrating.

Even if the game is CPU dependent the game is suppose to run on 1.8Ghz CPUs and I don't for you but even if the game won't use my 4 cores but at least only one of then is capable of doing the double. It was requiring 512Mb of ram, I have 16 times this. We could at least double the number of vertex of the whole game, I'm pretty sure we won't see the difference for most of us. And even then it would be suppose to be an HD mod and it is normal to have a loss in performance.

I don't think that 4Mb for a skybox is that much. If you look at HD mod with some texture going up to 8K, and 600 remade texture the mod size is 2.2Gb and it's not really a problem. You wait for quality, even know 2Gb is nothing on download as much as storage.

A total rework of the texture of the game is not doable but replacing step by step some trees, giving grass to the naked terrains of Aranna. I'm pretty sure the textures of the terrain are not useful to replace.

This idea is stuck in my mind, and I can't even try anything with this buggy script... If somebody has a tutorial for DS1 at leas I would be happy to read it.