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HardLess's picture

Hi guys, I have bad and good news about my work and I would like to have your opinions because I'm not doing this mod only for me but also to create stuff people want to see. So here is a quick post to explain the different problems I have encountered.

As you know, now I'm trying to use the ds2dll to increase the possibilities of modding. But the problem is that Broken World does not have a support for ds2dll. So I need to create them for DS2Mod.
The first choice I need to make is here :
Do I try to make Broken World works with the ds2dlls ?
If I do I have two options :
_Creating the ds2dlls support for Broken World (which could be really hard and I'm not even sure that's possible).
_Recreating every features of Broken World in DS2 (which is easier but will take much more time).

The fact is that DS2BW must have modified a lot of DS2 functions and this is close to invisible to me, BW have new functions that I need to create, some objects of the game have new features which is a bit harder to investigate. This is my ultimate challenge.

But I have already ideas for the ds2dlls, I want to create a lot of things. It will take time but I could add pretty much the list of ideas I made in the previous posts. But it will restrict the mod as a DS2 mod and we won't be able to have Broken World dual class features. (Which is an important part of my original mod). But I would like to extend the horizon of my mod. With a lot of lost features of DS1, and you could choose to have or disable.

So guys I would like to know what do you think would be the best, what would you like to see as soon as possible ? If your answer is a feature for DS2, please can you choose you favorite idea ?