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iryan wrote:
bare_elf wrote:
I am currently playing Legends of Utrae with Adepts. Going through the Ancient Temple on the way to Meren I encountered Snow Tracker before reaching Dornek. If I remember correctly he was standing next to Dornek at the exit of the Ancient Temple and did not wonder about. He gave us the quest to clear Dornek's Quarry and followed us all the way to Dornek's Quarry and back to the ancient temple. It looks as if he intends to follow us all the way to Meren. Has this ever happened to anyone? Iryan have you ever seen or remember seeing this?




There is no point it is all a dream someday I will wake and really screem wishing I was back in this strange little dream.

I'm not sure about that but I believe not. Are you using any mods? LOA had code that allowed npcs to act that way and I think it was used in Return to Arhok with the hassat follower.

Thinking about this it would be good to have more of this type of interaction in both DS1 and DS2. NPCs that would tag along with the party for a short while. It would add a lot more ambience to the game.

The only things I am using in LoA are the two mods Legends of Utrae and Adepts. The same configuration I have been playing for years, and I do not recall ever seeing this. Snow Tracker just follows us. He does not fight monsters and he does not get attacked by them, as if it is only my party that sees him. I will let you know if he ever decides to go back to Dornek or he decides to visit Meren.