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bare_elf wrote:
I was only playing a few games in ds1 and loa just for a change of pace.

Yes I know as things are a little slow around here at the moment. Could it be because its summer in most of the world except for Oz?

Still your little adventure reminds us what's missing from this great game, something reinforced by your post in BW discussion titled "boring". A little more unpredictability in the game would go a long way in spicing things up.

Some examples could be legionnaires spontaneously appearing and helping your party out in some of the encounters near the towns. Talking about the Legendary Mod here, you can manufacture such encounters yourself in Elddim and Hiroth if you lure the monsters near some of the legionnaire guards. It would be nice if this would spontaneously happen randomly in such areas. I know Killergremal has code in his content pack for the Legendary Mod and some of his mods, called "Call_Friends_To_Arms" but I've never been able to get it to work (perhaps because such a block doesn't exist in the heroes' templates?).

Or finding lost citizens in the wilds and they follow you back to town (if you don't use a teleporter of course) and then go their own way. A bit like your experience in fact. Actually that occurs in DS2 in the lost patrol quest at Windstone Fortress where the soldiers follow you around (but don't participate in fighting which is a little unrealistic).

Some of Killergremal's code allows random templates to be produced for an instance. I haven't taken advantage of the potential of this yet but imagine if some of these instances (in specific places) had a random chance of spawning a legionnaire or similar? You would randomly come across them fighing monsters and could help them out.

Or find dead corpses of farmers, legionnaires, etc and were able to resurrect them? Again this is something Killergremals code seems to support but I've never been able to get it working. An example is poor Lagreth (the Utraean Priest from Fallraen) who foolishly runs off into a cavern full of dangerous beasts and predictable gets himself killed before your eyes. In DS1 you could resurrect him but not in the Legendary Mod.

These are just some examples off the top of my head.