ahhhhh... thx ya'll! I hope this process is worth as much to document as it's been to go through. You have to admit Elf, so much of how you are helping me is in how you've helped others here. I'm only learning because so much is available to learn from. I'm still very new to the back end of DS, so I can maybe pose the kind of questions that other new modders might also learn from?
The question of, "was that the right formulas.gas?" is answered with, HoORRAY! Krug AI is the same as from last night, but now including SM_FormsDEFAULT.dsres with only *cosmetic changes for rapid reference,
I match the indents of all equal signs and values in the document. Looks like this:
// combat_constants
// This block contains values/coefficients used in combat related formulas
// for calculating how much damage to take, whether or not a hit was a success
// and other stuff of the like.
// Attack/defend rating coefficients
// rating = (skill_scalar * skill_level) + (dex_scalar * dex) + (int_scalar * int);
[attack_rating] { skill_scalar = 0.45; dex_scalar = 0.55; int_scalar = 0.15; }
[defend_rating] { skill_scalar = 0.45; dex_scalar = 0.55; int_scalar = 0.15; }
// Variables related to determing whether or not one go was successfull in
// landing a hit on a defending go
hit_chance = 50.0;
attacker_diff_scalar = 2.1;
victim_diff_scalar = 2.1;
attacker_hit_cap = 95.0;
defender_hit_cap = 5.0;
// Death threshold is used to determine how far below zero character life can
// go before the character goes from being unconscious to dead
death_threshold = 0.66;
// Radius of sphere check for when a character is unconscious and has healed
// through natural recovery - if there is an enemy within this sphere then
// the character will continue to lie on the ground until threat is gone
enemy_near_sphere = 8.0;
// Minimum amount of time that a character will stay unconscious regardless of
// how close to zero the character is when he went unconscious
min_unconscious_duration = 5.0;
// Armor scalar is used for tuning amount of damage that is done with regard
// to the amount of armor the victim has
armor_scalar = 1.0;
// Aiming error calculation constants for ranged combat
// error_*((100 - ATan( (dex_*Dexterity + int_*Intelligence + skill_*Skill_level)/14.7 )*63)/100);
error_scalar = 4.0; // +/- amount of error in degrees
dex_scalar = 0.35;
int_scalar = 0.10;
skill_scalar = 0.55;
// Difficulty level multipliers - damage done from attackers perspective
difficulty_easy_player = 1.35;
difficulty_easy_computer = 0.5;
difficulty_medium_player = 1.0;
difficulty_medium_computer = 1.0;
difficulty_hard_player = 0.85;
difficulty_hard_computer = 1.45;
// variables dealing with attack area.
attack_area_radius = 6.0;
// recalculation_constants
// Only actors that level up use these recovery rates otherwise there could be
// a problem where a monsters was knocked unconscious instead of dying
// If any attribute is greater than 10 then 9 points are subtracted before
// performing this calculation:
// max_life = (str * str_percent * constant) + (dex * dex_percent * constant )
// + (int * int_percent * constant ) + max_life_base
max_life_base = 0.0;
max_life_constant = 14.0;
max_life_str_percent = 2.1;
max_life_dex_percent = 0.7;
max_life_int_percent = 0.7;
// max_mana = (str-9 * str_percent * constant) + (dex-9 * dex_percent * constant)
// + (int-9 * int_percent * constant) + max_mana_base
max_mana_base = 0.0;
max_mana_constant = 1.0;
max_mana_str_percent = 1.0;
max_mana_dex_percent = 4.0;
max_mana_int_percent = 25.0;
// Period before synchronizing mana and life according from the server to all clients
sync_period = 5.0;
sync_random = 1.0; // +/- amount to add to sync_period when resetting for a go
// pack_constants
// Pack animal/person related - takes the sum of all the actors skills in the
// party and averages them together. The average of each skill is then
// multiplied by the corresponding influence and then the pack animal/person's
// attribute is set to that value
strength_influence = 0.9;
intelligence_influence = 0.2;
dexterity_influence = 1.5;
// actor_skills
// Defines characteristics of character skills in the game - all skills are
// based off of the amount of experience the character has received from killing
// monsters.
// Level is determined from the specified xp_table
// Basic skills
[skill*] { name = "Uber"; }
[skill*] { name = "Strength"; max_level = 180; }
[skill*] { name = "Intelligence"; max_level = 180; }
[skill*] { name = "Dexterity"; max_level = 180; }
// Combat skills
// Depending on how a monster/actor was attacked the weapon/spell used improves
// the combat skills below which also effect the innate skills of the character
// by redistributing a specified percentage of the experience attained.
name = "Melee";
screen_name = "Fighter";
max_level = 180;
str_influence = 0.64;
dex_influence = 0.27;
int_influence = 0.09;
[level_up_indicator*] { level_range = 1-5; script = melee_up_locked1, bip01; }
[level_up_indicator*] { level_range = 6-10; script = melee_up_locked2, bip01; }
[level_up_indicator*] { level_range = 11-20; script = melee_up_locked3, bip01; }
[level_up_indicator*] { level_range = 21-250; script = melee_up_locked4, bip01; }
name = "Ranged";
screen_name = "Archer";
max_level = 180;
str_influence = 0.25;
dex_influence = 0.62;
int_influence = 0.13;
[level_up_indicator*] { level_range = 1-5; script = ranged_up_locked1, bip01; }
[level_up_indicator*] { level_range = 6-10; script = ranged_up_locked2, bip01; }
[level_up_indicator*] { level_range = 11-20; script = ranged_up_locked3, bip01; }
[level_up_indicator*] { level_range = 21-250; script = ranged_up_locked4, bip01; }
name = "Nature Magic";
screen_name = "Nature Mage";
max_level = 180;
str_influence = 0.09;
dex_influence = 0.18;
int_influence = 0.73;
[level_up_indicator*] { level_range = 1-5; script = gmagic_up_locked1, bip01; }
[level_up_indicator*] { level_range = 6-10; script = gmagic_up_locked2, bip01; }
[level_up_indicator*] { level_range = 11-20; script = gmagic_up_locked3, bip01; }
[level_up_indicator*] { level_range = 21-250; script = gmagic_up_locked4, bip01; }
name = "Combat Magic";
screen_name = "Combat Mage";
max_level = 180;
str_influence = 0.13;
dex_influence = 0.17;
int_influence = 0.7;
[level_up_indicator*] { level_range = 1-5; script = dmagic_up_locked1, bip01; }
[level_up_indicator*] { level_range = 6-10; script = dmagic_up_locked2, bip01; }
[level_up_indicator*] { level_range = 11-20; script = dmagic_up_locked3, bip01; }
[level_up_indicator*] { level_range = 21-250; script = dmagic_up_locked4, bip01; }
// experience_table
// Contains experience values for each level starting at 0 to max
* = [[ 0,70,650,1450,2350,3350,4650,6650,9450,12950,17100,22000,27800,
1758898223446500,2154650321024540,2639446640557650 ]];
// experience_limiter
first_level = 0.10;
later_levels = 0.025;
// multiplayer scaling stuff
// Based on the number of players in a party the life and experience point
// worth of computer controlled gos will be scaled by the values below.
life = [[ .35, .5, .8, 1, 2.15, 3.1, 4.17, 5 ]];
xp = [[ .35, .59, .8, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2 ]];
// physics_constants
// This block contains global values associated with settings for physics
// objects
enemy_attach_life = 12;
party_attach_life = 4;
// general_formulas
// These formulas are meant for general purpose formula evaluation allowed
// from skrit.
// The function for a formula must be named the same as the formula name, take
// no parameters and return the type that the caller is interested in. Other
// functions can be stored in the skrit (or you can do #include) for utility
// purposes.
// If you put properties in the formula, then you can set those properties in
// the caller by using the URL-style formatting. For example:
// float f$ = ContentDb.EvalFloatFormula( "jooky?prop1=10&prop2=yo", 0.0 );
// Note that the second parameter in this function is a default return value.
// This will be used if there is an error in the function call. This parameter
// is optional and defaults to 0.0, 0, or false depending on function.
skrit =
// Recovery rate stuff
property float str$ = 1.0 doc = "default strength";
property float int$ = 1.0 doc = "default intelligence";
property float dex$ = 1.0 doc = "default dexterity";
property float melee$ = 0 doc = "default melee skill level";
property float ranged$ = 0 doc = "default ranged skill level";
property float nmagic$ = 0 doc = "default nature magic skill level";
property float cmagic$ = 0 doc = "default combat magic skill level";
property float lr_unit$ = 1.0 doc = "default life_recovery_unit";
property float lr_period$ = 4.0 doc = "default life_recovery_period";
property float mr_unit$ = 1.0 doc = "default mana_recovery_unit";
property float mr_period$ = 3.0 doc = "default mana_recovery_period";
property float guts_rate_high$ = 12.0 doc = "Number of seconds before spewing guts again, Max ObjectDetailLevel";
property float guts_rate_low$ = 25.0 doc = "Number of seconds before spewing guts again, Min ObjectDetailLevel";
property float in_player_high$ = 0.2 doc = "seconds between splash checks while in water with player Max LODFI";
property float in_player_low$ = 0.4 doc = "seconds between splash checks while in water with player Min LODFI";
property float out_player_high$ = 1.0 doc = "seconds between splash checks not in water with player Max LODFI";
property float out_player_low$ = 2.0 doc = "seconds between splash checks not in water with player Min LODFI";
property float in_monster_high$ = 0.2 doc = "seconds between splash checks while in water with monster Max LODFI";
property float in_monster_low$ = 0.6 doc = "seconds between splash checks while in water with monster Min LODFI";
property float out_monster_high$ = 1.0 doc = "seconds between splash checks not in water with monster Max LODFI";
property float out_monster_low$ = 2.0 doc = "seconds between splash checks not in water with monster Min LODFI";
property int skill_type$ = 0 doc = "Which skill type to check for damage lookup, 0 = melee, 1 = ranged, 2 = combat, 3 = nature";
bool should_spawn_broken_container$
// $ yo, this is just test stuff i added, needs tweaking. -sb
if ( WorldOptions.ObjectDetailLevel >= .9 )
// lod of .9+ means always show it
return ( true );
else if ( WorldOptions.ObjectDetailLevel >= .5 )
// lod of .5+ means show it 50% of the time
return ( Math.RandomInt( 1 ) == 1 );
// below .5 means never show it
return ( false );
int frames_before_next_guts_spew$
// $ this formula determines now many frames must pass before an actor can play an effect when he is hit again. -ET
return ( Math.Round( ( WorldOptions.ObjectDetailLevel * guts_rate_high$ ) + ( (1.0 - WorldOptions.ObjectDetailLevel) * guts_rate_low$ ) ) );
float water_check_time_player_in$
// $ this formula determines now much time must pass before an actor will check to see if he make a splash in the water again. -ET
return ( WorldOptions.ObjectDetailLevel * in_player_high$ ) + ( (1.0 - WorldOptions.ObjectDetailLevel) * in_player_low$ );
float water_check_time_player_out$
// $ this formula determines now much time must pass before an actor will check to see if he make a splash in the water again. -ET
return ( WorldOptions.ObjectDetailLevel * out_player_high$ ) + ( (1.0 - WorldOptions.ObjectDetailLevel) * out_player_low$ );
float water_check_time_monster_in$
// $ this formula determines now much time must pass before an actor will check to see if he make a splash in the water again. -ET
return ( WorldOptions.ObjectDetailLevel * in_monster_high$ ) + ( (1.0 - WorldOptions.ObjectDetailLevel) * in_monster_low$ );
float water_check_time_monster_out$
// $ this formula determines now much time must pass before an actor will check to see if he make a splash in the water again. -ET
return ( WorldOptions.ObjectDetailLevel * out_monster_high$ ) + ( (1.0 - WorldOptions.ObjectDetailLevel) * out_monster_low$ );
float life_recovery_rate$
float result$ = 0;
float life_recovery$ = (lr_unit$ / lr_period$);
// Determine what formula to use based on the strength of the actor
if ( str$ < 10 )
// The actor is below average strength so use a weak formula
result$ = (life_recovery$ / 9) * str$;
// The actor is at or above average strength so use the standard formula
result$ = (str$ - 9) * life_recovery$;
return result$;
float mana_recovery_rate$
float result$ = 0;
float mana_recovery$ = (mr_unit$ / mr_period$);
// Determine what formula to used based on the intelligence of the actor
if ( int$ < 10 )
// The actor is of below average intelligence so treat him like he is "special."
result$ = mana_recovery$;
// If the actor has an intelligence above or equal to 10 then use this formula
result$ = (int$ - 9) * mana_recovery$;
return result$;
// TAT 5/28/03 - damage formulas
float damage_blocked_amount$
//0 = melee, 1 = ranged, 2 = combat, 3 = nature
if (skill_type$ == 0)
// melee
return (melee$+1.552)*4.059;
else if (skill_type$ == 1)
// ranged
return (ranged$+1.949)*3.232;
else if (skill_type$ == 2)
// combat
return (cmagic$+2.177) * 2.894;
// nature
return (nmagic$+2.177) * 2.894;
return 0;
// set item constants
// any constants dealing with set items are located here.
// this is an integer value from 0 -> 100 where 0 will result in never
// dropping set item for unique calls and 100 will only drop set
// items.
unique_drops_set = 20;
// game end information
// the timer that counts down after a player has beaten the game will
// go for this length of time i want a 60 second timer, but if i set
// it to 60 seconds it won't appear until only 10 seconds are left, so
// i just added on a 1 second buffer. this way it will appear when it
// hits 60 seconds
timer_length = 61;
So, this file, included as a separate .dsres Makes no changes to my Krug buddies (I call them that now), which is EXACTLY PERFECT! My Krug do strange things sometimes still, but that's all in their[mind]'s. Damage is pretty dangerous, and to be avoided, hopefully by both sides of the bloodshed now. Combat speed is fast and full of stuff you could do wrong, but manageable by a single character with skill. Think Path Of Exile, which immediately reminded me of DS2. "Right Near De BEACH! BOYEE!"
I suspect that on_enemy_entered_icz_abort_flee = true; currently does nothing. Reading (skimming) about skrit indicates I will have to create a custom job for this to do anything.
I further suspect that sight_fov either doesn't do what I think it should, OR is broken by the inclusion or omission of something else that affects whether field of view can be used for AI changes. I think it should make Krug only attack if they spot you, or are alerted by others about you. Currently, Krug still alert and engage with their backs turned and no friends nearby to warn them. Variables in engage_range might be too blame? Do they engage at those ranges (ranged/melee) despite not being able to see you? hmm...
The question of, "was that the right formulas.gas?" is answered with, HoORRAY! Krug AI is the same as from last night, but now including SM_FormsDEFAULT.dsres with only *cosmetic changes for rapid reference,
I match the indents of all equal signs and values in the document. Looks like this:
So, this file, included as a separate .dsres Makes no changes to my Krug buddies (I call them that now), which is EXACTLY PERFECT!
My Krug do strange things sometimes still, but that's all in their [mind]'s. Damage is pretty dangerous, and to be avoided, hopefully by both sides of the bloodshed now. Combat speed is fast and full of stuff you could do wrong, but manageable by a single character with skill. Think Path Of Exile, which immediately reminded me of DS2. "Right Near De BEACH! BOYEE!"
Current SM_Krug_AI.dsres
I suspect that on_enemy_entered_icz_abort_flee = true; currently does nothing. Reading (skimming) about skrit indicates I will have to create a custom job for this to do anything.
I further suspect that sight_fov either doesn't do what I think it should, OR is broken by the inclusion or omission of something else that affects whether field of view can be used for AI changes. I think it should make Krug only attack if they spot you, or are alerted by others about you. Currently, Krug still alert and engage with their backs turned and no friends nearby to warn them. Variables in engage_range might be too blame? Do they engage at those ranges (ranged/melee) despite not being able to see you? hmm...