Phoenix/Volkan's R_better_loot is the only newish Mod, should be in downloads
The weapon and armor packs are from Bare_Elf, If you like Archers She is the one to talk to.
I do need to remove the compatibility fix since it is no longer necessary for Playable Utreans
Volkan/Phoenix's More hair and Dark Elf's GiantGnome8 (also in downloads) have been working fine since I started testing with Beta15
Cool_Dryads is for DS2 and has a small priority issue with BW (I believe I found it at NudeMods )
I am actually removing them 1 at a time to see if things start working
I just retested my mod that I sent you and I had no problem gaining levels so I do not think that is the cause. Cool Dryads needs to be disabled when using broken world it says so in the readme-file.
I just retested my mod that I sent you and I had no problem gaining levels so I do not think that is the cause. Cool Dryads needs to be disabled when using broken world it says so in the readme-file.