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Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

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Araknuum wrote:
....and then pasted onto the skybox. Making it work in ds1 is likely more than I'll ever do. but if it works in 2, that's great! I'd definitely map for DS2 playable regions, especially if I can simulate the effect of your pyramid photo in an 80 frustrum region.

Turns out I couldn't create a map with prefabs of zaramoth horns regions as I couldn't connect the prefab to the region's anchor node. So I made a mood mod to test out skyboxes in zaramoth horns and it was very spectacular until reaching Valdis's temple, where the limited view range broke immersion - see the last image.

The mood setting was 85 meters radius, 50 meters high and 50 meters depth. If there was some way of increasing the mood radius to even 120 or so, it would be worth releasing as a mod.

It would be great if the effect could be reproduced in DS1.