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Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

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Araknuum wrote:
That is spectacular! The effect is so impactful, so much more atmosphere and presence of place! I'm very glad you're on this track Iryan, you've shown one of my wishes can come true, and you appear to be familiar enough with the mechanics that I believe you can pull it off.

How would I go about getting you a converted copy of a map I made? the Royal Camp area is incomplete but has the bones of most of the outer terrain. I don't have any lighting or mood set, just the nodes and a couple of objects. Do I just upload the .dsmap? Would you add a skybox to it and see if there are any issues with cut off terrain? I won't be able to get DS2 up and running for another week or so, trip to Alaska tuesday, but once I get there I'll have time to start fiddling with SE2 and experimenting with skyboxes. What a time to be alive!

To upload a file, you can use a cloud service like , which I use and recommend as its free of annoying ads and you get 50GB of free storage in your account. Uploading files is easy.

Yes I would be happy to add a mood and skybox to a copy of your map so you could experiment. My own experiments have been mixed. Firstly there is no predefined limit in DS2 for frustrum size, indeed one of the DS2 campaign moods specifies a frustrum of 500 with a depth and height of a 1000!

The issue is that Elys Allsaves locks you into the limit defined by the main.gas in the map (version 1). Version 2 of Elys Allsaves allows you to set a seefar limit of up to 120 in the launcher itself. This means in practice that you can set a frustrum of 120 with a corresponding setting for the fog. I was using AllSaves version 1, which is why the settings in the test maps couldn't be increased.

Unfortunately to unlock the camera from its restricted viewing angle in DS2, you really need Elys ALLSaves (strangely in Broken World this isn't a requirement). So its highly unlikely there'll ever be a mod released adding skyboxes to DS2, though for the sake of experimentation and discovery I'm continuing with a clone map of DS2.

I've discovered that Elys AllSaves does respect the frustrum settings of a map so if you set it very high, like 200 or so, then it doesn't matter if you activate the seefar setting in the launcher or not. You'll get 200 no matter what.

To demonstrate I've made another test map of Zaramoth Horns' staircase at the end, like the screenshots taken in a previous post. It should work well no matter whether you use AllSaves or not and both in DS2 and Broken World.

This could be invaluable for map makers trying to make something a little different.