Glad to hear you fixed that. I remember using that mod and Geordie and Sara looked so cute in their sunglasses.
Now if only I could get Dwarfgirl to wear ribbons or wigs. She NEEDS pigtails!
I figured since dwarfgirl and farmgirl used the same heads, that I could copy and rename meshes and textures and put them in the appropriate folders, as well as adding them to the relevant head and hair to head gas files. I remade my template for my ribbons, and copied and renamed the wig and ribbon templates in revived, having them be be base dwarfgirl as well as changing them to require dwarfgirl:1
I'm sorry to say that this did not work and I am very disappointed. But, to look on the bright side, I guess I will have plenty of helms to chose from.
Glad to hear you fixed that. I remember using that mod and Geordie and Sara looked so cute in their sunglasses.
Now if only I could get Dwarfgirl to wear ribbons or wigs. She NEEDS pigtails!
I figured since dwarfgirl and farmgirl used the same heads, that I could copy and rename meshes and textures and put them in the appropriate folders, as well as adding them to the relevant head and hair to head gas files. I remade my template for my ribbons, and copied and renamed the wig and ribbon templates in revived, having them be be base dwarfgirl as well as changing them to require dwarfgirl:1
I'm sorry to say that this did not work and I am very disappointed. But, to look on the bright side, I guess I will have plenty of helms to chose from.