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sigofmugmort1 wrote:
Nice so far. But this guy is a little befuddled as I keep getting exception errors with revived

such a state of confusion is normal for me tho :silly:

I am using Girl Armor 5 as that's the one I have

I have noted that without revived, Dwarfgirl 2 is more in sync when hitting breakables with melee.

Insane Dwarf

Hey sigofmugmort, hey elfy, glad you guys like the mod. Smile

I had a chunk of time today so I did some testing re: revived issues. I haven't played with out either version of Revived for, like, ten years. I did not notice any issues particularly while testing, except the ones I've already mentioned. No exception errors with either version of Revived.

What version of Revived are you playing with, and do you have the correct Ikkoyo dsdll in the root folder? Sorry, but I felt I should ask, not trying to be rude.

One thing that was kind of a pain in the butt is DG freezes up with various weapons. This was particularly noticeable with melee weapons (but she sure could swing that pitchfork). Every time I switched out a weapon, she froze until I moved her. When I switched to ranged, she froze. Strangely enough I could switch between bows with no problems. *shrug* In either instance, I could switch from using a weapon to using a spell with no issues at all.

I tested this on Kingdom of Ehb for base DS1, and noticed all the above issues both with *and* without Revived. Plus, when she is under attack, it takes her a second to notice the enemy, like she stands there all LALALA. BTW, Have you guys noticed the opening sequence in KoE? She can't hoe, and when she runs over to Norick instead of dropping to his side, she does two drinking animations. Too funny. Hey sorry and all, Norick, but I gots to chug my beer. Laughing out loud

When I played Ehb with the LOA executable, I noticed the same freezing issues as well. One thing I did notice is she was a lot more engaged with the enemies. No standing there, she was running to attack all on her own. I had the same combat orders in base DS as I did with LOA, so I don't know what that was about.

I did this testing without having either Revived LOA or the Ikkoyo-loa-dsdll in the root DS folder.

Problems specific to Revived:

She can't wear the special OC helms. At all. It doesn't cause an error, the item drops back into her inventory. I tried working with helm meshes the other day, (cuz pigtails) and had no luck with OC helms or ribbons. I tried using various weapons both with Revived and sot3kwp3. I didn't notice any issues with her using the items, even though I don't know if she has updated weapon animations specific to Revived. Apparently, meshes and animations are beyond my abilities. Sad

Because most every post I make comes with screenshots, here they are. Smile

Using the Revived Daikatna:

The various weapons I used. The ones at the bottom of the inventory are all Revived weapons. As mentioned she didn't seem to have any problems using them.

The Revived right and left handed katars.

Revived Electrode rifle

Equipping sot3kwp3 weapons/shield

And just for fun, playing with some chickens. They are so mean! Wink

BTW, most of the Basic DS1/LOA helms leave a LOT to be desired... I really want those ribbons and wigs from DS Revived. Sad