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saraibrahim wrote:
That sucks. I save my game constantly because I ummmm........ tend to die alot. I don't want to have to go back 3 hours and start over just cause I was stupid and ran into the wrong room.

Don't worry too much about it sara. There is a Respawn function that allows you to live again (possibly with the loss of some gold, depending on how you choose to continue after respawning). Basically, you won't be replaying 3 hours worth of game (especially if you save often).

At worst, you'll lose a percentage of your gold and/or have to do some running from the last teleporter you activated. When you die for the first time, your options are explained in a helpful pop-up tip.

"Ctrl+S" is your friend... without restrictions. Since you load a game starting in town, you don't have the same worries about a "bad save" as in DS1 (i.e. save a game a split second before you get killed).
Laughing out loud