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DS2 Demo (on the September PC Gamer DVD)


I just bought the new PC Gamer with the Demo on it (found at CostCo, if anyone in TO is reading and wondering where to look). Of course I find it just before I plan on leaving town for a few days. :roll: Stare

From the ReadMe:

The Trial Version of Dungeon Siege II contains only a limited portion of the single player version of the game (up to the Elven Shrine area). In the Retail Version, your adventure will continue well beyond this area.

I didn't get all the way through the Demo, but I did make it through the beginning, and all the way to the first teleporter (after buring the first tower). I have to say the that the most interesting things I found were the chapter 1 story stuff (excluded from the MP Beta), and the limit on party size at the beginning. If you want to add a third party member or pet, you have to pay a fee to the Innkeeper. Also, the Save Game implementation seems a bit weird... (no multiple saves possible, just one per character, consisting of a ds2party file and a ds2radar file).

Anyways, I thought I'd post this info., just in case anyone was interested. Wink