Yea, I consider signatures and text of size 18 and above an eyesore. If the eye sees a large text it is easily assumed that it is a heading of sorts. The consious mind will of course come to the conclusion that it wasn't. Sorry if it disappointed anyone. You can still emphazise with bold and italics, and non-bright colors though. Ill made signatures can make a site look cluttered and confusing. If only a few people do it there's no real harm but fair has to be fair so noone can do it.
Yea, I consider signatures and text of size 18 and above an eyesore. If the eye sees a large text it is easily assumed that it is a heading of sorts. The consious mind will of course come to the conclusion that it wasn't. Sorry if it disappointed anyone. You can still emphazise with bold and italics, and non-bright colors though. Ill made signatures can make a site look cluttered and confusing. If only a few people do it there's no real harm but fair has to be fair so noone can do it.