I was wondering to myself if bare_elf would be willing to put her wolf endeavours into a downloadable mod, and by crikey she's willing to do it as well, you can be sure it will be well looked after my young elf.
You don't know this (well you will now) I have a wolf tattoo on my right forearm and also a fox on the right inner arm (I've gone brain dead again as I can't remember at the moment what the inner arm is called)so I have a soft spot for them as well.
I was wondering to myself if bare_elf would be willing to put her wolf endeavours into a downloadable mod, and by crikey she's willing to do it as well, you can be sure it will be well looked after my young elf.
You don't know this (well you will now) I have a wolf tattoo on my right forearm and also a fox on the right inner arm (I've gone brain dead again as I can't remember at the moment what the inner arm is called)so I have a soft spot for them as well.