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I'm not able to download your wolf mod bare_elf, I'll try again later but I'm sure its IE11 that's the cause of the problem. Here's a small part of what I'm getting after I click the link.

DSigTank8 € ð$ÒÒ@·‹USER¨Z–e@’8²$ᇂŠâøNœaà :yxœíS]‹1}vaÿCð±Xq¬Ûn_ Ò—úæð„˜\Ç`&’8jÿ{ïÍÌκ¸-}EÄ9ç~Ï9yœF(+#" ìT–<ìÊÒY¾wfÍWFÈ-7Úè§û»çû»žÄ°Âù#·¢6gýlÉ¡Ö†«þ iå$ySã‰)/¶À `*ZýÆ­D€Ô‡¨\Èè<¶éQŸ^¶Ú˜@Ï Ð Ñƒ-âÙdÀF³„jÁ]€•4Ë:FÁ!‚×ñHðC³³†”` e¬M;áÏ)C³Æn£×À=HWn¿³:b‰9Ëf—d…]BòK"á@ÍÇkavÔoÔeQ‰Ç³Áp&qàï0DXàø"ú]"âö;a:¢CsÉA•|¿þ8ϐ? Ràô.¨å0KÃ5'ˆ_w

bare_elf wrote:
**Now remember this is my mod so please do not distribute it under a different name or sell it for money. You may use any part of the mod in your own work if you remember to give me "bare_elf" credit.**

Sure thing young elf Smile