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I have noticed some odd things with my wolves.
1. The wolves seem to suffer damage on saving and restarting a map. Their maximum health is 3348. In battle with a large number of monsters they might lose a 1000 health points. However when saving and then restarting a map their average health is between 30 and 50 points. Not sure why this occurs but I make sure that I have healing hands in my magic inventory to correct this.

2. The wolves are attacking monsters out of the site range of my archers. I will correct this on the next release.

3. The wolves tend to get stuck on narrow trails, I have never seen this with summoned characters however it reminds me of what happens to some party members when playing DS2. The solution to getting them unstuck is to reverse course on the trail and go beyond where you can see the stuck wolves. Wait at that location and after a short period of time they will wander back. Reverse course again and this time they will not get stuck. It should be noted that if there are 1 or 2 wolves in the party this never happens, the more wolves in the pack the more often it occurs.
