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well I actually untanked adepts, put the inventory mod and my mod in adepts, tanked it up and the pack wolf is running as fast as the rest of the characters now and the inventory mod works good in adepts

bare_elf wrote:
Darkelf wrote:
thanks I see it changed the ui inventory as well so it and the inventory mod would have overlapping windows if adepts is 35767 and mine is 32767 then adepts has the higher priority so it would used adepts inventory and backpack ui ... there would be 2 ways to fix it, overwrite the inventory and backpack ui of adepts with inventory mod's changes, or use adepts inventory and backpack and change the other windows rectangles of the inventory mod.. I may have to use a modified adepts fix to find out.

If it where me and I where going to do it for adepts I think I would use adepts inventory and backpack and change the other windows rectangles of the inventory mod.. That way we would have an LoA version of the Mod and an Adepts version of the Mod. With the different color inventory screens.
