1. I found the combat magic spell "Summon NPC Cotton Candy" Now I have a pack wolf. Love how she moves, reminds me of Dog when he is excited. She follows very well, is a good fighter, and has lots of storage. I tried out the Wolfy Follow mod and she follows onto small elevators very nicely, however she also gets on the elevators when selected and no follow mod is active.
- hmm u got further than I did on summon npc, I cant even get them to display the portrait icon, in fact I tried disbanding one and the game crashed.
2. Summon Pack of Wolves spell, does not work, I get the message that says I can only control one summoned creature at a time. This seems odd since the spell calls a pack of wolves. I also have the mod UL Summon Plus installed and this allows me to summon any number of creatures. So it Should work. Also there is no active or inventory icon for the spell.
- I changed its inventory icon, but maybe the game don't see it, I will have check spelling, etc, see if I can get it to appear in shops and try to use it in game, this one has been giving me problems since beginning, it worked at first and hasn't worked since, trying to get all these spells to appear in game in the shops is upsetting, I need a shop mod added as well if I can find one. Where do I find this UL Summon Plus mod at? I want to look at it. may have to make some wolves just for it.
3. Checked all the vendors of pack animals on the map and it does not matter if there are wolves or mules in the pen. All transform into traggs when you buy them. Since the Summon NPC "wolf" spells work maybe you could just revert the animal sellers back to how they where and just use the spell for getting pack animals.
- I not sure what happened to the sellers, cause I didn't change any of them, this game is just weird I guess... I will make the mod, modular next maybe make them optional like the rest. maybe easier to fix once I separate them into parts... I am looking at ds2 code to see if I can import a pet seller over, may be some skrit to write to do it...but it may work eventually. I ran siege editor editing the map by inserting the wolves all in, but then later found out I also need a command to make them join party on the map as well, so ended up scratching that idea...for now.