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I have reduced the personal_space_range to 0.25 as the wolves where refusing to get on small elevators. I added a new wolf called "Flame" based on Darkelf's "Old Flame", however I can not summon the wolf, when I put the summons -- spell_cm_summon_red_wolf_lili in an active spell slot and click on it nothing occurs. Here are the two templates for the wolf called Flame.

	category_name = "1W_evil_d";
	doc = "[summon] drake_green";
	specializes = base_wolf;
			strength =  4, 0;
			intelligence =  1, 0;
			dexterity =  5, 0;
            			melee =  2,  0;
		life_recovery_unit   = 1;
		life_recovery_period = 7;
		experience_value = 0;
		life = 18;
        		max_life = 18;
       		mana = 2;
        		max_mana = 2;
        		textures:0 = b_c_edm_wf-02afire;   
        		scale_base = 1.10;
		attack_range = 0.5;
		damage_max = 11;
		damage_min = 8;
		min_move_velocity = 4.2;
		avg_move_velocity = 5.6;
	[common] { screen_name="Flame"; }
	[defend] { defense=19; }
				chance = 0;
		sight_range 			= 14;
		melee_engage_range 		= 14;
		ranged_engage_range 		= 14;
		personal_space_range = 0.25;
                actor_weapon_preference		= WP_MELEE;

  category_name = "magic";
  doc = "spell Summon Cave Giant";
  specializes = base_summon_good;
    gold_value = 67;
    description = "Summons a Red Wolf to guard the Caster.";
    screen_name = "Flame";
        action* = call_sfx_script( "nature_spell_sparkle" );
        condition* = receive_world_message("we_dropped");
    active_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_sp_wfdefire;
    inventory_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_sp_wfdefire_inv;
    apply_enchantments = false;
    cast_range = 10;
    cast_reload_delay = 1;
    caster_state_name = "Controlling";
    effect_duration = 2400;
    is_one_shot = true;
    mana_cost = 0;
    mana_cost_modifier = (#magic+1)*12-.7;
    max_level = 100;
    required_level = 0;
    requires_line_of_sight = true;
    speed_bias = 1;
    target_type_flags = tt_terrain;
    usage_context_flags = uc_passive;

        alteration = alter_strength;
        duration = #infinite;
        value = ((((#magic*0.64)+10)*1.09)-#str);
        alteration = alter_dexterity;
        duration = #infinite;
        value = ((((#magic*0.27)+10)*.82)-#dex);
        alteration = alter_intelligence;
        duration = #infinite;
        value = ((((#magic*0.09)+10)*.55)-#int);
        alteration = alter_melee;
        duration = #infinite;
        value = ((#magic-11)-#melee);
        alteration = alter_armor;
        duration = #infinite;
        value = ((#magic*22)-#base_defense);
        alteration = alter_max_life;
        duration = #infinite;
        value = (((#magic*24)*3.1)-#maxlife);
        alteration = alter_life;
        duration = 1.0;
        value = (((#magic*24)*3.64));
        alteration = alter_max_mana;
        duration = #infinite;
        value = (((#magic*19)*0.06)-#maxmana);
        alteration = alter_mana;
        duration = 1.0;
        value = (((#magic*19)*0.06)-#mana);
        alteration = alter_melee_damage_min;
        duration = #infinite;
        value = (((#magic*4.2)*1.09)*0.9);
        alteration = alter_melee_damage_max;
        duration = #infinite;
        value = (((#magic*4.2)*1.09)*1.1);

		effect_script = "summon";
		end_script = "un_summon";
		script_params = "[scale(2.00)]";
		template_name = cm_summon_wolf_red_lili; 
		description = "Summoned Creature";
		caster_description = "Controlling Summoned";

Both templates match the white wolf "snowy" except for the references to template name, the template name, the screen name, textures and icons. can someone take a look at the templates and tell me what is wrong? I verified that it is not a conflict between Darkelf's mod and mine by temporarily turning off Darkelf's mod. I also tried moving my mod from DSLoA to resources, still the same problem.