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Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

I'll always (hopefully) play DS I, Yesterhaven, and LoA, and I'm still working on armor and weapon mods for them. DS II, like many have said, has more attractive graphics, and some additional features that appeal (the Dryads are a nice option for PCs, and the Powers are fun), but for actual MP gaming experience (and modding), DS I and LoA are tops.

I'm not as happy with the Ehb map as I am with the LoA map, and I like UP better than either, but I think that's just because UP is so big and so easy to get around in. There are several different ways to get to any given place, even without using the displacers or HUB, and the scenery is breathtaking. (Yes, I like the snowy areas, too.) Ehb is far more limited as far as travel is concerned, and that annoys me, though the storyline is great. I guess the Yesterhaven map is somewhere in between Ehb and LoA, as far as preferences, but that may have more to do with the storyline involved, rather than the map itself.

Other maps and conversions (to say nothing of mods that allow other PC choices --- Witness' Dark & Light Elves, and Elys' Succubus, are truly awesome work) add to the possibilities, and so far, nobody has been able to do much with DS II (as far as I've seen, although Elys managed to offer some additional choices and improved some of what was already there). I have to say I like the DS II map, though (even if there's a little too much desert and not enough forest or snowy areas). Not sure how to compare it with the others above, or even if it should be compared with them, since the game itself is so different. The armor choices are also more varied and generally look better than most (unmodded) armor in DS I and LoA.

To sum up then, I like all of them, but when it comes to choices, DS I & LoA seem to offer the most, and I like being offered a lot of choices, instead of just a few.