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kathycf wrote:

The Siege of the three Kingdoms weapons pack has some throwing weapons also (javelin, shuriken and some sort of spiked ball). Catmansion plus pack (and Adepts as well, I imagine) have several kinds of throwing weapons, including the plates. As ghastley says, they use one of the sword animations. Maybe checking those out might help. Oh and DS Revived/ DS Revived LoA have a few throwing weapons also.

haven't got the three kingdoms weapons pack, or catmansion plus pack, but I do have adepts and ds revived so guess can look at those, I guess if it gpg sword animation it can be used...I think ds2 throw anim could be used too with some tinkering, but will try the sword anim first cause really don't want to add more kb to a mod for thrown weapons....

What sorts of things are you looking for?

This a collection of some stuff. One of the albums (Textures) has different colored textures I made myself. I have quite a lot of pink, some red and some other stuff.

There is also an album of " Textures not made by me". These are all free textures I downloaded over the course of several months.

started looking at the album, lot of nice ds pics, seen a blue skeleton I am very interested in, do u have the blue skeleton modded in a mod someplace? will look at some more after I get home from the grocery store later today.

as for armor, I was thinking about just using the 3 textures black, red and pink, as overlay for the armor, since the mesh is what controls the armor...I just didn't want to put time into editing gpg armor templates and adding them all to the game.... u have some nice armors already. the ones I really want changed with more colors of gpg is the wizard hats, I don't like gpg choice of colors on the wizard hats..which is the hat of choice for my mages, some of the outfits use green a lot for like the ranged, eww...its mainly a gpg coloring I don't like just wish the outfits were all overhauled with some nicer colors is all. Black I like for a ninja like look, melee would look good or even ranged... red I like cause it makes them look devilish or santa-ish depending on the character.. and pink is for all those fighting cancer, I like my girl characters in is a nice pretty color for them. colors this game don't have much of.

Let me know what you need and I am sure either myself or Bare_Elf will be able to help. Smile