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RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
There's the throwing anim for monsters, any chance of using it for the good guys? Krug Chuckers, Dark Slingers, Swamp Slingers, Goo Walkers. And two-handed Desert Braaks.

	category_name = "magic";
	doc = "spell braak boulder";
	specializes = base_spell_monster;
		aiming_error_range_x = 2;
		aiming_error_range_y = 2;
		ammo_attach_bone = weapon_grip;
		ammo_template = braak_boulder;
		damage_max = 204;
		damage_min = 184;
		use_aiming_error = true;
		cast_range = 12;
		cast_reload_delay = 1;
		mana_cost = 0;
		requires_line_of_sight = true;
		speed_bias = 1;
		target_type_flags = tt_conscious_enemy;
		usage_context_flags = uc_offensive;
		velocity = 16;
		number = 1;
desert braaks used a spell for their thrown boulders that would work for heroes as a spell but would still need to use the melee anim I guess, perhaps can make spells as well for the mages... nice idea!!!