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Melee Red Pitchfork:

She looks like the little devil on those cans of deviled ham.

Pink Pitchfork in action:

It's fun having weapons to match my boots. Big smile

A few things with the thrown pitchforks:
The ground model:

When equipped it appears to have a "double" model. The weapon still works and I actually like the double look. The throwing animation looks a little off, almost as if the character is trying to hit something on the ground, but I can't see that being a big deal.

The spell pitchforks:
The spells for the pink and red magical pitchforks work fine and have correct icons. The spell for the black pitchfork is that default scroll one and the spell cannot be equipped in the spell book.


A couple of fun pics.

Not sure how this color effect and dual wielding happened, but I had paused the game and switched something out. Looks real cool though. Smile

Maybe a difference in the lighting caused the color effect? *shrug*