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kathycf wrote:
I find my eye shields in stores with both DS1.exec and DSloa.exec, both running from the same cd. It is kind of a hit or miss with LoA. They do stock modded items, but the game seems to put a priority on equipment introduced with Loa. The pitchfork is just a basic item anyway so no real need to put in the loa folder, no?

I ran all my games with the dsloa.exec and it seemed to me that putting the dsres in regular resources improved availability. I know that's just anecdotal. Many of the higher end shops don't carry the pitchforks; are you going to add more of them with greater damage to the mod? I think more stores would carry them that way.

Shoot, I was going to write something else and it has flown away. Suppose I should go to bed.


I have found the same with the eye shields and pitchforks - They more often show up in stores when the mods are placed in the resource folder than when placed in the DSLoA folder. I always play from DSLoA because of my Cat Mansion Mods. I think this may be do to the way the game files are loaded. First to load are the DS1 Resources and Maps. Second the DSLoA files. There are within this priority other orders of things such as file creation date, priority of file and such. Through trial and error I have found that if a mod is not displaying things in shops when playing from DSLoA it can be improved by either increasing the priority of the mod or putting the gas files and artwork of the mod directly into the the correct correct locations of Expansion.dsres or in my case Adepts.dsres. Hope this helps.