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Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Miswritten SFX

It seems that most of my SFX seems to send the wrong worldmsg.
For this SFX, I COULD place damage into the SFX itself, but then the spell will not have any control over the damage. Tell me, what is wrong with this SFX to make it not do damage, and more importantly where could I find a list of all possible worldmsgs for SFX?


	name	=cloudkill;

	script	=

		sfx create Steam #TARGET
		set $p_0 #POP;
		sfx start $p_0;

		sfx create Steam #TARGET
		set $p_1 #POP;
		sfx start $p_1;

		sfx create Steam #TARGET
		set $p_2 #POP;
		sfx start $p_2;

		sfx create Steam #TARGET
		set $p_3 #POP;
		sfx start $p_3;

		sfx create Steam #TARGET
		set $p_4 #POP;
		sfx start $p_4;

		// invisible flame that actually does the damage, because steam is harmless :P
		sfx create Fire #TARGET
		set $p_5 #POP;
		sfx start $p_5;


