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garthagain wrote:
This info is in the PDF, you can't always go by the level given. Some powerful enemies will tell you they are Level 0.

This was not intentionally done .... I just couldn't figure out how to adjust the levels shown.

Have you ever considered to tune your map to cooperate with the Level Adjustment mod? - While the mod just will copy over the average party level when accessing the map the first time, it will continiously count the monsters available to deritvate the next level for monstery (as if a mapper would do, if in one region there are sufficient monsters to get the player from level e.g. 13 to 15 then the following region will be populated with level ~15 monsters too).
As I have seen right now it's not comptible (for those who have it already: the existence of the mod won't bother, as long as not enabled). But there are many monsters/obstacles stats assigned in the map/SE2 files which will irritate the usage of the standard stats formulas quite a lot (levels from tempates, other stats from SE2/actors.gas file - of course not your fault, it wouldn't if the SE2 would also allow you to reassing the level besides of the other stats).

In this context, I have noticed that the frustum width/depth/height partially has been increased by ~3x (default is 45, but noticed values far beyond 100).
Remind, 2-3x more range means that 5-10x has to be loaded than the game engine is possibly tuned for (e.g. I always register a lag of several seconds when walking to the West from the first starting position).

Technically a bit strange to see was too that the 'forced expiration' was set to 'never' in order to (well, as the dev comment said) to make them respawn!?
I haven't tested it, but does that really work? Because in the following session I refound a dead but untouchable monster still standing on its feet (...unsure, caused by some mods I have installed perhaps!?).