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garthagain's picture

The route South from the Skye Outpost to the Utrean Ruins, starts in an Easterly direction. You will enter. a foggy area were you probably have to take some evasive action in order to get through. Particularily, Avoid The Giant Gargatuax. There are two groups of fairies in this area that will help distract enemies away from your party. Once the Gargantuax is distracted, you can take him out, or just move on.

In the Troll cave there are ... Trolls, and quite a few bats. Once through the cave there should be no really deadly oppostion, and the path turns South at one point.

Here again there is a need for more signs. Follow any signs towards Ellennu or the Sulpher Geysers. There are two signs pointing to the ruins, both in the area close to them. There are two ways to enter the ruins, a distance from each other.

In the Utrean Ruins, the main opposition, before you get to the Quest, is from Celt Marauders and Bandits.

I am interested in any observations regarding framerate drops on this route. There is a noticable drop in the foggy area, and may be other places were it noticebly decreases. I believe it's working, but reports on this are helpful.

Note; You can't get there from West Bay or Eastport.