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I spent the last two nights building a new party so I could run through the map from DS2 (using the Elys Succubus Manager). The party consists of 5 rangers and 1 combat mage.
Lili (Human) Level 76 Master Sharpshooter. Helm, Boots, Gloves, Amulet and rings all have some level of damage reflected to enemy.
Karma (Elf) Level 76 Master Sharpshooter. Helm, Boots, Gloves, Amulet and rings all have some level of damage reflected to enemy.
Tiahna (Dryad) Level 76 Master Sharpshooter. Helm, Boots, Gloves, Amulet and rings all have some level of damage reflected to enemy.
Fiathna (Dryad) Level 76 Master Sharpshooter. Helm, Boots, Gloves, Amulet and rings all have some level of damage reflected to enemy.
Arisu (Dryad) Level 76 Grand Sorceress. Helm, Boots, Gloves, Amulet and rings all have some level of damage reflected to enemy.
Cotton Candy (DE Wolf) Level 76 Master Sharpshooter.

I learned when playing the game using Broken World and fighting the Bandits and such Damage reflected to enemy was a very useful thing. Also there are several useful powers. The first is Invulnerability and each of the non wolf characters have level 3, the non wolf rangers also have Level 3 Charged Shots. My combat mage has enegery orb and gathered bolt both at level 3. Also my non wolf rangers all have a custom bow with greater range and damage. So this time I might have an easier go of things. Only time will tell.
