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Night Leather
Marshal Leather
Compact Brigandine
Prime Brigandine
Noble Scale
Classic Leather I, II & III
Solar Cloth
Astral Cloak#

I've got the above done, they're not like Michelangelo would have done them but they look pretty similar, there's been a couple of inventory texture touch-ups as well. They're a bit rough and ready for now apart from the Solar Cloth which is the best one out of the lot of them, when I've got more time to do them properly I'll give them a re-visit.

That Astral Cloak armour, its bloody horrible and I might give it a re-paint later as its really bad to look at, one good thing about it though is I saw the original GPG's inventory icon for it, the one below, someone screwed up and gave the Astral Cloak the wrong inventory template number, change it to the one below and its a perfect match.

Astral Cloak# inventory_icon = b_gui_ig_i_a_pos_a7_034;

Time for me to take a break and get back in my submarine, there's a war on you know and there's no more time off until its over.