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Eksevis wrote:
How'd you do these so fast xD?

I've had them for a long time. I had no idea about any of this. I will go ahead and figure out which textures to donate to your project based on the feedback you gave. Since you posted screenies from Pcontentmart, there's no way I can refuse.

You seemed to get kind of fixated on the fact that the clay tatters had mud on it, so I will send the laundered version instead.

My problem with "implementation" was not that I don't know how to make a mod like this, but that I'm just reluctant to override the retail armor templates. There are a lot of reasons for this, but I won't waste peoples' time with an essay.

Moros wrote:
I'm using Photoshop CS2 and its playing up in win 10, save, open, browse and a few other menu commands are becoming a hit and miss affair at the moment, so what paint package are you and Tristan using as I've had enough of this hassle now, don't suggest GIMP as I don't want it.
I used GIMP exclusively. It prepares psd files correctly for psd2raw, especially in regards to that weirdass legacy alpha channel. Sorry man, I've no suggestions for you.
