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garthagain's picture

Looked at the shop gas again and thought What_The_Hay, make new shops instead of converting the existing ones. This way gives more variety.

So, in Take Two, all the origional shops; Acts 1,2, and 3 are default, with the exception of the magic shops, which will all have colossal health and mana potions, at every level. I returned the Act2 Arena Token shop to default, so there won't be any problem using the file in the regular DS2 map.

The new shops are specialised "Super" shops, carrying a full stock, with some items from sets.

New Shops;

Magic ......... With improved content.
Reagents ... All reagents.
Potions ...... All potions.
Weapons ... Wide selection, all levels, plus some set items.
Armor ........ Wide selection, all levels, plus some set items.